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I actually arrived in Arizona on the 15th, so I’m just finishing up a week here, but I’m just getting around to starting this blog off now. It’s crazy to believe that I graduated exactly a week before I left. There’s so many options – paths in life – available to me now that it’s almost too hard to choose. Thankfully, I already have this job at the Grand Canyon lined up, and unless something goes wrong, I’ll be kept busy till October. I’m also thinking about applying to one or two ski resorts for the winter (definitely Snowbird), and that would probably fill another three months. I would like to be home for Christmas, though, and I’ll need to start applying to colleges after that.

Since I arrived, I’ve gone up to Snowbowl, Flagstaff’s ski resort/pass, and ridden the chair lift up to 11,500 feet, the highest I’ve ever gone, I believe (a lot compared to ol’ Steven’s Pass at 4000 feet). I’ve gone to the Grand Canyon and toured the south rim from the visitor’s center out to Hermit’s Rest. I also went geocaching with my siblings, and found all three that we went for! Has to be a record – we haven’t had a good previous record of actually finding them.

For graduation I got a new camera, which, though it’s a Costco camera, it’s better than any camera I’ve ever seen/had. Have some photos:

And here’s some random stats, cause I like stuff like that.
Language I’m learning: Korean;
Series I’m reading: Deathnote;
Music I just recently listened to and like: This;
A website I just found: Here